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Janice Gold Beyer
Why it Hurts to be Left Out: The Neurocognitive Overlap Between Physical and Social Pain
The brain processes physical pain and social pain similarly.
Janice Gold Beyer
A Brief Description of Relational-Cultural Theory
I use Relational Cultural Theory as the guiding principle in my practice.
Janice Gold Beyer
Late Night Thoughts on Solitude in a Time of Physical Distancing
Thoughts co-written by Jeff Beyer, Ph.D., and me.
Janice Gold Beyer
Relationships are Essential for Growth and Development
I am struck by the consistent and ever-present theme that relationships are essential for growth and development.
Janice Gold Beyer
Active Listening with your Child
What is my child feeling and thinking about today? Through conversation we can connect with and understand what is on our children's minds.
Janice Gold Beyer
Empathy: The Backbone of Service
Children learn empathy from a young age. How we all act and respond to children learning empathy may also help us grow ourselves.
Janice Gold Beyer
The Beautiful Not Yet
How "not yet" is a significant message by which to encourage a child.
My Essays
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